#防敏感高防首選 Medicom Kolmi Op-Air Mask FlowPack Type IIR Earloop 法國製高防護+紙底防敏感口罩Medicom Mask France

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Kolmi Mask Op Air FlowPack Type IIR Earloop - Blue - 柔軟光滑紙質低層,低致敏Comfort呵護肌膚之口罩首選 - Kolmi Smile 笑面弧形邊位焊點 & Fold 設計, 適合任何面型,口罩貼面透氣不黐咀, 帶住會有Comfort feel既口罩 - 紙質防敏感口罩 - 柔軟幼耳帶,適合長時間配戴不耳痛 - FlowPack 25片便攜裝一包 - Kolmi Made in France CE logo - 3 Ply EN14683: 2019 Type iir - Type 2R 防血濺 比 Level2 / Type2 口罩更高防護力 - BFE+PFE+VFE>98% tested - 175mm* 90mm(+/-5mm) - Best before: 01/2027 - MADE IN FRANCE 付款方法: Payme/ HSB/ HSBC 如需以Alipay,FPS付款,請先登記成為會員,把產品加入購物籃後whatsapp聯絡客服處理. 本地運送方式: 順豐速遞,速遞連紙箱費到付. <<全店貨品購買滿$450包順豐本地運費>> 現貨產品保証24小時內發貨後下一個工作天內收到貨. -Protects the environment from droplets emitted by the wearer while providing protection from splashes of biological fluids. -Effective against bacterias, particles and viruses (BFE, PFE & VFE tested). -Kolmi masks feature the exclusive Origami folding and Smile welding for greater comfort and a perfect fit on the wearer's face. -For maximum comfort, the inner layer is designed with Softex technology to limit face irritations and the wear and tear with the beard. -This product is a CE medical device.


